San Andreas Highway Patrol


San Andreas Highway Patrol General Information

Welcome to the San Andreas Highway Patrol portal! 

Here you can locate all the documentation and important information for the department!

All the links an SAHP Trooper would need! LOAs, Patrol logs, SOP, Policy Memos, Rules & Regulations, Vehicle Structures etc!

A dedicated page for our Highway Patrol Monthly Bulletins & BPS Newsletters throughout the year all on one page and easy to navigate!

Have you ever wondered who your CoC is? Now you have a page readily available listing out our entire chain of command!

Bureau of Team Operations Information.  Information in relation to teams.

The Bureau of Professional Standards Information

SAHP Sub-Division Information. Available sub-divisions within the SAHP. 

Greg C. 5E-1

Deputy Commissioner
Vacante Q. 5E-2

Asst. Commissioner
Dom M. 5E-3

David F. 5E-4

Deputy Chief
Josh P. 5E-5

SAHP Trooper of the Month

Department Photo Showcase