Bureau of Professional Standards

It is the goal of the San Andreas Highway Patrol - Bureau of Professional Standards, to effectively enhance the professionalism of the San Andreas Highway patrol, by furthermore providing an effective and efficient recurrent training program.  The Bureau of Professional Standards strives to provide the highest level of training and education to Troopers.  This level of continued training marks an effort to improve the standard in which Troopers carry out Highway Patrol's Core Values: Safety, Service, & Security.  Through these recurrent trainings, the Bureau of Professional Standards is responsible for ensuring that Troopers of the San Andreas Highway Patrol are performing in the utmost professional manner while conducting their duties as a State Law Enforcement Official.

Entrance Protocol

The first step to joining the San Andreas Highway patrol Bureau of Professional Standards is to submit an application using the appropiate form during an active application cycle.


Learning Domains

Learning Domain 1 - Use of Force - BPS Slideshow.pptx
Learning Domain 2 - High Risk Stops & Vehicular Pursuits - BPS Slideshow.pptx
Learning Domain 3 - Medical Procedures & First Aid - BPS Slideshow.pptx
Learning Domain 4: Vehicle & Traffic Management - BPS Slideshow
Learning Domain 5 - Legal Training - BPS Slideshow.pptx